Friday, March 20, 2009

Photo "shooting"

Ha! Me and my plays on words...
[Pompidou Museum of Modern Art; Paris; France]


Paul said...

A fascinating picture, Cristina... You are really a sharpshooter / sniper ;-) The picture makes you wonder what really happened here. Is this a crime scene? As long as you are the one who is just taking artistic pictures, I guess you have an alibi and we're all okay.

Anonymous said...

i think it's about how she can steal painters' paintings, just as easily as men's hearts.

eternity forever said...

I didn't steal anything...indeed it's a photo of a detail of a painting in the museum...oooh youuu little...I'm gonna get you one day you know! :)

Mike129 said...

I always love your photography.

And as for stealing hearts, I think you can not help but do what comes naturally. ;)

Unknown said...

Ha !
Quelle façon amusante de briser la glace... C'est le musée Pompidou qui vous impressionnait autant ? Comment allez vous rapiécer tout ça ?

jm (un voisin lillois, fan de Pompidou)

eternity forever said...

Voisin lillois? Alors bienvenue sur le blog jean-michel!

Alors sur ne suis pas grande fane de l'art moderne mais par ici par la il y a eu des oeuvres d'art que j'ai bien aimé...En photo j'en ai pris qu'un morceau du tableau complet...Malheureusement je crois que j'ai tellement aimé l'idée du reflet du corps deformé que j'ai pas de photo due l'oeuvre complète...

Bonne lecture et bon voyage sur le blog et à la prochaine!