Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer heat mood

[Instead of helping me out Eve was taking photos...hahah lots of fun that day! Won't forget it soon!]


Ionut said...

Dar ce faci acolo, cu calul pe capastru ?

Dan Glăvan said...

summer heat mood...a picture with a hammock hanging carelessly in the warm summer breeze burst into my mind when I first read this title...the picture inspires that mood as is a bit blurry,just like the kind of pictures we often see during the summer. great effect! :)

Mike129 said...

I am glad Eve took the picture.

It captures such great joy.

I wish I was there.

eternity forever said...

I was joyfull indeed. So happy that day...sunny inside and out..:D

Blues said...

A wonderful picture... it captures motion as well as mood and season...

Paul said...

Hi, still enjoying the sun? Nice pictures! I was taking pics of horses too, recently. Hope you are okay.

Paul said...

"my" horses are here ;-)

eternity forever said...

Heeeey so cute...I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine...even animals got the point ...have the feeling sometimes only humans are still self centered idiots...

Caio Fern said...

hi ! your blog is wonderful. this is the first time i visit you.i like your way to view things.
there is a commentarie of mine there in " easy prey".
so ciau! it was very nice to "meet" you .i intend to come back more times ( if you dont mind) .

eternity forever said...

You're welcome here whenever you want. And I hope to be able to live up to the expectations of you all.

A n d r é s. said...
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A n d r é s. said...

Great shoot of Eve :P
horses..jummm...i have not ride one since a lot of time :)
i hope you could keep your happy moments, with you, everyday.