Friday, October 19, 2007

Hungarian skies

[Budapest; Hungary; 2007]


Anonymous said...

The most beautiful and romantic part of the day, like the most beautiful season is the one that immediately precedes darkness and cold. Why are the two always linked and seemingly needed for each to be what it is?
After the storm, calm. After calm, the storm. And so goes life.


eternity forever said...

Well it is the balance of life...But then....why would you see darkness as evil and cold? See it as a cover, a hide-out, protection...see the cold as a reason do turn up the interior warmth...

Anonymous said...

Human beings are at home in the warmth of darkness, it is true. Nevertheless, it isn't the cold that is a hide-out or protection, it's the place where you hide from this darkness, it's a shelter away from it. Is it because darkness frightens us that we seek cover somewhere or in something warm when it is cold?
Whatever the reason, we must thank cold and darkness which we obviously want to escape as they enable us to find warmth and love inside. Cold is the condition of possibility of warmth, darkness, love.