Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mots pour un inconnu

"Viens ici dans mes bras...
Où les montres ne marchent pas...
Où chaque muscle, chaque fibre, chaque soufle est à toi..."

[pur F. " allé fais moi un beau sourire!" ; pour R. parce que...]


Mike129 said...

That is beautiful.

Blues said...

Makes one want to squeeze one's soul mate... fantastique!

eternity forever said...

I have written theese few lines long ago during my first attemps to write something in french...some time later I continueded it but I finnally decided to drop the next part as theese 3 little lines concentrate all that there is to be said...Giving away yourself...Like a mothers and fathers give themselves to us, like lovers do too... isn't that the best of presents? :)

Blues said...

Maybe your question is meant to be rhetorical, but... yes. It is. ~

eternity forever said...

Wow...I just reread myself there...God! What is that grammar???!! Sorry guys...hahaha I'll be more carefull next time...

Mike129 said...


I would appear to be blind to your mistakes.