Friday, January 9, 2009

Dreaming together

Philosophy is the Sunday of life
Don't you know...
How dreaming is nice
Don't you know...
I want to close my eyes and drift away...

Cause we all stop and dream
It's hard to realise
The dream is over...

And when reality hits you
Close your eyes
And then the dreaming takes you..
embraces you, enraptures you, makes love to you...

So close your eyes
And smile
And dream your life away
And let yourself flow...away..

You and I dreaming together
'Till the end of time
Would you consent to be my...dremhalf!
And we'll dream together
'Till the end of time

So close your eyes and let me kiss them
Open your lips and let me traspass then..
Spread your thighs and I'll...Wow!

You and I dreaming together
You and I kissing, toughing, embracing, slipping, rolling, melting, confounding...together...
'Till the end of time!

You and me dreaming together...
Would you consent to...give me a dream...

[For once...not dedicated to anyone.Maybe just to myself.I've been giving away too much too all the wrong people and I'm just going to be selfish this least untill some other very unworthy stranger crosses by path again...:)]


J.level said...

...what a wonderful piece of writing.
you should see the paintings at the blog
be well guapa, Jess

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dreaming verse!